What About the Grain and Flour Market In Tanzania?

One of the poorest countries in the world, United Republic of Tanzania has a surface area of 883.749 km² and population of 45 million; this makes it one of the largest countries of East Africa. Tanzania resulted from uniting of two independent countries as Tanganyika and Zanzibar in April 1964. Its capital is Dodomo. Its largest city is Darussalam, also the old capital. Economy of Tanzania depends largely on agriculture. Primary agricultural products in the country are wheat, millet, cassava and corn. On coastal areas and Zanzibar, largely rice is produced. Primary trade plants are sisal hemp, cotton, coffee, tea and tobacco.
What About the Grain and Flour Market In Tanzania?

General Economic Outlook
There are mining sources in significant number and available for trade in Tanzania. Tanzanian economy largely depends on agriculture, mining (gold) and tourism. Fishing is also one of the means of living for public. Services industry in the country has developed rapidly in the recent years and covers half of GDP. Growth in services industry is resulted largely from developments in tourism, telecommunication and finance industry.
Food production in Tanzania is largely dependent on small farms/farmers and rainfall. Due to irregular rainfall, there is food deficit in the country nearly every year. Yields are low due to insufficient and of poor quality agricultural input such as fertilizer and seed and also pests seen frequently. Since transportation substructure is weak, transportation from food producing regions to those in food deficit cannot be realized. This also increases price pressure.
Primary products manufactured in Tanzania are coffee, tea, cashew, sisal, cotton, tobacco and sugar; and also subtropical fruits and vegetables, meat, dairy products, peanut, vanilla, black pepper and other spices in significant amount.
When the data of US Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS) examined, it is seen that the highest amount in grain production of Tanzania belongs to corn. Corn production which was 2,3 million tons in 2003/04 season increased in the following seasons and reached 3,3 million tons in 2009/10 season. Corn production amount which exceeded 4 million ton in 2010/11 and 2011/12 increased to 5,1 million ton in 2012/13 season. In the following seasons, corn production was recorded as 5,3 million tons in 2013/14 season and 5 million tons in 2015/16 season. Corn production was recorded as 5,3 million tons in 2013/14 season and 5 million tons in 2014/15 season. Forecasted corn production amount for 2015/16 season is 5,5 million tons.
What About the Grain and Flour Market In Tanzania?

Corn consumption amount is parallel with production amount. Corn consumption which was 2,6 million tons in 2003/04 season increased above 3 million tons and was recorded as 3,7 million tons in 2009/10 season. Exceeding over 4 million tons in 2010/11 and 2011/12 seasons, corn consumption reached 5 million tons in 2012/13 and 2013/14 season. Forecasted corn consumption amount for 2015/16 season is 5 million tons.
The second highest amount in grain production of Tanzania belongs to rice. Reaching 818 thousand tons in 2006/07 season, rice production increased to 1,3 million tons in 2010/11 season and 1,4 million tons in2011/12 season. Declining a little in 2012/13 season, rice production increased to 1,4 million ton in 2013/14 season again. Being recorded as 1,7 million ton in 2014/15 season, rice production is forecasted to reach 1,3 million ton in 2015/16 season.
Rice consumption of Tanzania is gradually increasing. Rice consumption which was 920 thousand tons in 2003/04 season declined a little and increased to 951 thousand tons in 2007/08 season. Rice consumption which was 960 thousand tons in 2008/09 and 2009/10 seasons, increased to 1,3 million ton in 2010/11 season. It reached to 1,5 million ton in 2011/12 and 1,6 million ton in 2013/14 season. Being recorded as 1,7 million ton in 2014/15 season, rice consumption is forecasted to be 1,5 million in 2015/16 season.
Another important product in grain production and consumption of Tanzania is sorghum. Sorghum production was recorded as 500 thousand tons in 2003/04 season and increased above 700 thousand tons in the following seasons. It reached to 800 thousand tons in 2010/11 season and remained as 800 thousand tons since that season. Being recorded as 840 thousand tons in 2014/15 season, sorghum production is forecasted to be 840 thousand tons in 2015/16 season. Sorghum consumption is parallel with production amount. In 2014/15 season, 825 thousand tons of sorghum was produced and this amount is forecasted to reach 850 thousand tons in 2015/16 season.
In wheat production of Tanzania, the highest production amount of the last 11 years is 113 thousand tons (2011/12). However, wheat consumption is gradually increasing. Reaching 802 thousand tons in 2009/10 season, wheat consumption increased to 975 thousand tons in 2012/13 season. Being recorded as 950 thousand tons in 2014/15 season, wheat consumption is forecasted to reach to 975 thousand tons in 2015/16 season. Millet production of Tanzania changes as to years. In Tanzania where 350 thousand tons of millet was produced and consumed in 2014/15 season, it is forecasted that 350 thousand tons of millet will be produced and consumed again.
Grain trade of Tanzania is based on imports as it is in Kenya. Wheat is the most imported product in this country. According to the data of USDA, wheat import of Tanzania was realized as 345-544 thousand tons between 2003/04 and 2008/09 seasons.
Increasing to 720 thousand tons in 2009/10 season, wheat import increased to 945 thousand tons in 2012/13 season. Reducing to 722 thousand tons in 2013/14 season, import amount increased again and reached to 940 thousand tons. Forecasted wheat import for 2015/16 season is 900 thousand tons.
What About the Grain and Flour Market In Tanzania?

Another imported grain product in Tanzania is rice. Rice import did not exceeded 200 thousand tons between 2003/04 and 2014/15 seasons. It was realized as 120 thousand tons in 2011/12 season and 200 thousand tons in 2012/13 and 2013/14 seasons. Rice import which is recorded as 100 thousand tons in 2014/15 season is forecasted to reach to 200 thousand tons in 2015/16 season.
White corn is primarily produced in Tanzania. It is known that primary staple food corn is initially produced for home use by farmers, sold via cooperatives right after the harvest. According to the report named “Value Chain Analysis of Rice and Maize in Selected Districts in Tanzania” which was prepared by Agricultural Council of Tanzania, most of the mills in the country are village mills in rural areas. Number of rice and corn mills in certain parts of the report is also given. Accordingly, there are 45-50 rice mills in kyela, Mbozi and Mbeya regions. 3 large rice mill in Mbarali and 3-4 large corn mill Njombe. It is estimated that there are 70-80 corn mill in Mufindi, Iringa and Morogoro regions.
What About the Grain and Flour Market In Tanzania?

Zhengzhou Double-lion Grain & Oil Milling Machinery Co.,ltd. is dedicated in flour mills and flour milling lines design & manufacturing. Cooperating with Henan University of Technology (Former Zhengzhou Grain College) which have abundant talented person and science advantage, it has carried out the new technological research and application of oil machinery, flour milling machinery, coarse cereals machinery and feed machinery, etc., and transformed the latest scientific achievements into productive forces to obtain good social and economic benefit. Many foreign friends have established long-term cooperative relationship with us. Our company has wide milling machines range and competitive price, looking for sales agents overseas!

Need guidance to build a maize flour plant? Please contact us, our engineer will give you professional guidance and suggestion.
Type: wheat flour mill machineflour mill plants, small scale flour processing plant, corn flour mill machine, grain mill, maize machine. Get in touch with us. 
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Email: info@zzdoublelion.com
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